- A Bar Above
- Aarke
- AdHoc
- AeroPress
- Alison Brooke Designs
- Alison Gardner
- All-Clad
- Allsop Home & Garden
- AluPro
- America's Test Kitchen
- american paper optic
- Amish Country Popcorn
- Amusemints
- Andreas
- Ann Clark
- Anna Whitham Co.
- Anne Cate
- Anne Clark
- Applewood Books
- Arcadia Publishing
- Arceau Marketing
- Architec Housewares
- Ariston
- Art & Fable Puzzle Company, LLC
- Art on Tour
- Ateco
- August Ceramics
- Avenue Zoe
- Baabaazuzu
- Bambu
- Barefoot Books
- Barn by the Bay Studios
- Batela
- BBQ-Aid
- Beacon Design
- Beatriz Ball
- Bee Raw
- Bee's Wrap
- Benriner
- Berti
- Bestmate Trends LLC
- Bethany Lowe Designs
- Beyond Gourmet
- BIA Cordon Bleu
- Bibol
- Biccara
- Biedermann & Sons Inc.
- Big Heart Tea Co.
- Bitters Lab
- Blackstones
- Bling Rings
- Bodrom
- Bodrum
- Bormioli Rocco Glass Co.
- Boska Holland
- Boston International
- Bourbon Barrel Foods
- Brandy Bingham
- Brewer's Foods
- Brod & Taylor
- Browne USA, Inc.
- Bugatti
- Butter Bell
- Butterie
- by 2 Saints
- Byers’ Choice Ltd.
- Cactus Bag
- Cangshan
- Cape Cod Cloths
- Cape Cod Provisions
- Capresso
- Casa Bugatti
- Casa M Spice Co®
- Case Cutlery
- Caskata
- CB Stuffer
- Centry Hill Press
- Cereria Molla
- Certified International
- Chaby International
- Change
- Chantal
- Charles Viancin
- Chart Metalworks
- Chef'N
- Chequessett Chocolate
- Chicago Metallic / Lifetime Brands
- ChirpyTop
- Chronicle Books
- Cinq Your Edge
- Clarkson Potter
- Classic Touch Decor Inv.
- Cnngshan
- Cole & Mason
- Color Our Town
- Commonwealth Editions
- Commonwealth Souvenirs, LLC
- Compendium
- Conscious Cutlery
- Constructive Eating
- Cool Snow Globes
- Cool Socks
- Cooler Kitchen
- Core Home
- Cork Pops
- Costurero Real
- Created by the Ridleys
- Cristel
- Cuisinart
- Cuisipro
- Cuisivin
- Dalton Ruhlman
- Danesco
- Danny Duzit Company
- De Buyer
- Denise Marie's Special-Teas
- Dexter-Russell
- Distil
- DKB Household USA
- Dona Bella Shreds
- Dot And Army
- Douglas
- Dowdle Folk Art
- Dream
- Dreamfarm
- Duralex
- dZi Homemade
- E. Frances Paper
- East Coast Print Images
- Eddingtons
- Eden Marketing Corp.
- Effie's Homemade
- Eight Acorns
- Ekelund
- Elf Logic
- Elias Artmetal
- Elixer Fixer
- ElizabethW
- Emile Henry USA Corp.
- Endurance
- Engetsu
- Envision Home
- Epicurean
- Epiphany Studios
- ePretty
- Escali
- EuroScrubby
- Evie Marques
- Evo Sustainable Goods
- Familius
- Fancy Sprinkles
- Fat Daddio’s
- Fiftyeight Products
- Fig & Dove
- FinaMill
- FINEX Cast Iron Cookware Co.
- Fishaye Trading Company
- Fletchers' Mill
- Flip & Tumble
- Focus Products Group
- Forlife
- Formaticum
- Fortessa
- Fred & Friends
- French Bull
- FreshCut Paper LLC
- Freshwater Design Co.
- Frieling USA
- Friendsheep
- Full Circle Home
- Fusionbrands
- Gautreau Wood Design
- Gefu GmbH
- Geoform Design
- Ghidini
- Giftcraft Inc.
- Gobel
- Golden Rabbit
- Gordon Richardson
- GoSili
- Govino
- graf lantz
- Graypants
- Great Finds
- Green Koala
- Grimm Knife Co.
- Grit & Grace Studio
- Groupe SEB/All Clad
- Gry & Sif
- Hachette Book Group
- Hala Design
- Hali Hali LLC
- Harbo
- Hario
- Harper Collins Publisher
- Harvest
- Harvest Import
- Haug Bursten
- Helen's Asian Kitchen
- Henckels
- Henrietta Glass
- Heritage Lace
- Hestan
- Hester & Cook
- Hestna
- HHP Lift
- Holiball
- Homart
- Homerely
- Hot Skwash
- Houston Llew
- Hutzler
- ICI USA - Tovolo
- If You Care
- IMC Candle Corporation
- India Tree
- InterDesign
- iSi
- Island Bamboo
- ITO Enterprises
- IWA Wine Accessories
- Iwatani
- J.K. Adams
- J.Q. Dickinson Appalachian Mercantile
- Jacob's Musical Chimes
- Janice Hayes-Cha
- Jay Monaghan
- JBrody&Co.
- Jill Rosenwald
- JingleNog
- John Boos & Co.
- Joie
- Jonathan's Spoons
- Jos
- Joseph Joseph
- Joy of Light
- JoyJolt
- Julia Knight
- Jura
- KAF Home
- Kai
- Kaiser
- Kanin Press
- Ken Hom
- Kilner
- King Arthur
- Kitchen Base
- Kitchen Concepts Unlimited, LLC
- Kitchen Garden Farm
- Kitchen Supply Company
- Kittd
- Klein Postcard & Souvenir
- Knife Safe
- Knock Knock
- Kolder
- Krups
- Krzys Maple Syrup
- Kuhn Rikon Corp.
- Kurt Adler
- Kylar Mack
- Kyocera
- Kyocera Int'l Inc.
- La Belle Vie
- La Luna Bella
- Lake Superior Art Glass
- Lakrids by Bülow
- Lantern Press
- Larch Wood
- Last Straw
- Lauren Hunt Glass
- Le Creuset
- Lekue USA Inc.
- Lexie & Avery Creative
- Liiton
- Lime Tree Collection
- Linden Sweden, Inc
- Little Man
- Live In Mosaics
- Lodge Manufacturing Co.
- Loomination
- Luke Adams Glass
- Luminara
- Machete Brands
- MacKenzie's Fisherman
- MacKenzie-Childs
- macmillan publishing
- Mad Gab's
- Made In
- Madeira Housewares
- Madison and Green
- Magical Laboratories, Inc.
- Makaua
- Mangiacotti
- Marcato
- Marcoto
- Mariasch Studios
- Mariposa
- Maritime Tribes
- Mark Vosberg - Artisan
- Marusho Industry, Inc.
- Mason Cash
- Maui Mandala Art
- McCrea's
- McKenna Decoupage Art
- Mcusta
- Meadowbrooke Gourds
- Meli Wraps
- Melville Candy Company
- Mercer
- Mercer Culinary
- Mersea
- Michaelson Entertainment
- Micro
- Microplane
- Mighty Wallet
- Mobi
- Modern Sprout
- Modern Twist, Inc.
- Modgy
- Mole Hollow Candles
- Morado Designs
- Mr. Christmas
- MU Kitchen
- Musee Bath
- Musicbox Kingdom, Inc.
- Myfelt
- Mywalit
- Napa Home & Garden
- Natural Rubber Toys
- NE Design
- Nectar Republic
- New England Bells
- New England Cranberry Co.
- New Era, Inc.
- New World Arts
- non
- none
- Norpro
- North To South Designs
- Northern Lights
- Now Designs
- Nuvantee
- Oakwind Hollow
- Oggi
- Old Friends Farm
- Old Stone
- Old World Christmas
- Olipac
- Oliver Pluff & Co
- Once Again
- Once Again Home Co.
- One Part Co.
- Opinel
- Ovtene
- Ox Bow Decor
- Oxum NYC
- Paper Source
- Paperproducts Design
- Patience Brewster
- Patsy Kane
- Paul March Ltd.
- Peepers
- Peking Handicraft
- Penguin
- Performer
- Peter Priess
- Petersen Family Farm
- Peugeot
- Phaidon Press
- Phillips Chocolates
- Picn
- Picnic Time
- Pinnacle Peak Trading Company
- Plink
- Poo Pourri
- Port Living Co.
- Port-Styles Enterprises Inc.
- Potager Soap
- Predicat Glassware
- Prepara
- Preserve
- Price & Kensington
- Quotable Life
- Q’s Nuts LLC
- R. Murphy Knives
- Rabbit Skin
- Räder
- Rainraps
- Random House
- Red Bird's House
- Reefelt
- Regency
- Relaxound
- Reston Lloyd
- Reston Lloyd, Ltd
- Rich-Craft / Calder Inc
- Robin Reed
- rockflowerpaper
- Roman Inc.
- Roost
- Root Candle Company
- Rosanna
- Rosle USA, Inc.
- Rosy Rings
- Runamok
- Rustic Marlin
- S.A.L.T. Sisters LLC
- Sabre
- Sagaform
- Salzburg Creations
- Samuel Lamont
- Sandpiper Distributing Inc.
- Sandy Pants
- Sara Fitz
- Savino & Shaker33
- Scandicrafts Cuisine International
- ScreenCraft TileWorks
- Sea Bags
- Sea Lark Enterprises
- Seacoast Sweets
- Seawicks Candles
- Sertodo Copper
- SerVaas Laboratories
- ShedRain
- Shell Creek Sellers Reusable Straws
- Shore Bags
- Siege
- Simon & Schuster
- SippingThis
- Sisson Distribution LLC
- Skoy
- Skyhorse Publishing
- Sleeping Bear Press
- Small Town Famous
- Smart Girls Jewlery
- Smith's Consumer Products
- Smithey Ironware Company
- Soap & Paper Factory
- Soap Lift
- Soberdough
- Sobremesa
- Social Lights
- Solar Eclipse
- Sophistiplate
- Souper Cubes
- Sourcebooks
- Spartina 449
- Spectrum
- Spectrum - Tovolo
- Spencer Peterman
- Spiegelau
- Sprinkle Pop
- Sprinklemania
- Spyderco
- St. Martin's Griffin
- Standing Stocking by 2 Saints
- Star Kitchen
- Stashers
- Stick Candles
- Stony Creek
- Strategic Book Publishing
- Strawberry Hill Grand Delights
- Summer House Natural Soaps Inc.
- Sun Tiger
- SunsOut
- Supernatural
- Susquehanna Glass
- Sweet Home Deco
- SweetGum
- Swiss Gourmet USA
- Swissmar, Inc.
- TableCraft Products Co. Inc.
- Talking Out of Turn
- TarHong
- Taylor Precision Products
- Tea Forte
- Teak Haus
- Tealyra
- Temu
- Ten Speed Press
- The Beautiful Project
- The Cookware Company
- The Culinarium
- The Found
- The French Farm
- The Hate Stain
- The Look Book
- The Modern Home Bar
- The Negg
- The Riley/Land Collection
- The Soap & Paper Factory
- The Tiny Umbrella
- The Winding Road
- Tidepool Press
- Tillen Farms
- ToadFish, LLC
- TofuBud
- Top It Off
- Tops Malibu
- Tovolo
- Tramontina
- Tru
- True
- True Zoo
- Twisted Wares
- Typhoon
- Ulster Weavers
- Upavim Crafts
- Vacu Vin
- VacuVin
- Vagabond House
- Vaillancourt
- Vain Foods
- Vance Kitira
- Vendor Name
- Via Deco Home
- Vietri
- Vinglace
- Viski
- Vistaprint
- Viva
- W & P
- Wade Ceramics
- Walrus Oil
- Well Told
- White Dharma LTD.
- Wholesale Chopsticks Faire
- Wholesale Home Decor
- William Bounds
- Wine Away
- Wine Glass Writer
- Winward International
- Wood Stove Kitchen
- Worth Imports
- WS Game Company
- Ye Olde Pepper Companie
- Your Heart's Content
- Z Wraps
- Zafferano
- Zavor
- Zen Puzzles
- Zeroll
- Zip Top
- Zoku
- Zwilling Intercontinental
- Zwilling J.A. Henckels, LLC
- Zyliss